Corporate Social Responsibility (SCR) is an essential component of The Boltog-Bolpex’s  Way, Vision and Core values. Boltog-Bolpex foundation  is

committed to developing the communities in which we operate through funding and also giving opportunities to local people through training and
long- term career options. We believe in the Triple Bottom Line and have a positive ecological worldview.

Our priority is to focus on projects that support the community to become self-sustaining.The foundation  is committed to meeting international best
standards in the environment, employee health & safety, social responsibility in line with the Government’s long term ambitions.

By this commitment, the Company makes a difference to local communities through job creation, skills transfer, attracting investment and the
multiplier effects of improved housing and the local purchase of goods and services. Developing local infrastructure (e.g.roads, bridges and power
lines) in addition to supporting schools, hospitals as well as the ‘not for profit’  eye treatment program and developing agriculture land are
some of the key contributors that the foundation plan to execute.

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